Thank you for considering me for a potential commission!

Please read some of the most common questions below if you have questions about commissioning me.
The links for commissioning me can be found at the bottom!

“What can you make for me?”

I am a freelance character illustrator and designer with a distinct anime cell-shaded style. So anything I can make for you should fall in that category.

Character portraits, showcase images, action-packed scenes, attractive pinups, or character reference sheets are all products I can create.
Do you have something that you’re not sure I can do? Ask away! I am always open to broadening my skills and trying new things!

“What are your prices? / Do you have a commission sheet?”

My prices are determined on a commission-to-commission basis.

There are a lot of differences between commissions: Detailed characters, extensive backgrounds, design work, etc… Therefore, I don’t put a set price tag on my commissions. Depending on what you want, we will discuss what needs to be done and I will give you estimates based on that. I am always open to negotiations when it comes to prices (as long as we’re fair about it).

If you want to know a set number, I can tell you that any non-commercial commission will always start at a base MINIMUM price of 150 euros (as of March 2024).

“You are too expensive! I’ve seen artists do better work for less!”

That’s great! Then I hope those artists can help with your commission!

I understand that my prices might seem steep for some, but please know that I am determining my prices on a liveable wage for me to be able to pay my bills.

Art is also a luxury product, not a necessity. If paying for my art would put you in financial issues or doesn’t seem worth it, then please: Don’t try to commission me. Value is subjective and if my art is not the price I ask for it to you, then that is completely fair and I hope you can find someone else to help you.

“Can I use your art to advertise or for merchandise?”

Yes, you can if you agree to a commercial commission!

The difference between a commercial commission and a regular commission is a simple, but important one.

For my regular commissions, you can share the art I make for you in any way you see fit and do with it as you please, as long as you do not make a profit off of it. This is because, under this commission, I still retain the rights to the artwork as the artist who created it.

If you go for a commercial commission, then I yield my rights to the artwork to you. While I remain the artist, you are allowed to print and/or sell my art for profit. Be it merchandise, advertisement, or using my art in a project of yours. However, a commercial commission comes with two important details to keep in mind for you as the customer.
First, commercial commissions are more expensive. Tax rates are higher for a product with a commercial purpose, and I need to account for that, as well as not just selling you the artwork but only selling you the license to use it for profit.
Second, as the customer, it is your responsibility to ensure that if the content of the artwork is not your intellectual property, that you have the appropriate authorization to use it for profit. I remain wholly not responsible if you get in trouble with the owner of the IP for which you requested a commercial commission.

“When and how do I pay you?”

All payments will happen via wire transfer or through any services supported by Stripe, and payments will be done in full at the start of the commission.

Paypal is an option, but you need a good reason as I do not like using Paypal’s services for my commission work.

All payments also must be done upfront. I understand that this may seem risky to you, but it is all too common for artists to get ghosted by their clients despite having already done work for them. If you are not comfortable paying upfront for commissions, I completely understand, but I will not change this stance. Sorry.

“Can I change or cancel my commission?”

You can certainly, but please keep in mind that work I have already done cannot be taken back, and certain changes are harder to do later in the process.

If you decide you want to change something in your commission, please tell me as soon as you can. Depending on how far am I in working on the commission, I can let you know if the change is still possible or not. I will always send you updates whenever I finish a stage (the sketch, the linework, flat colors, etc…) so I will give you plenty of chances to reconsider certain parts. If you ask for a change that would add a substantial amount of work, such as changing the pose when I am at the shading stage, then I reserve the right to either refuse the change or accept it on the condition of an additional fee. I will only do the change once this extra fee has been paid.

If you want to cancel your commission for any reason, I can refund you depending on how far into the commission I am, determined by how much I have already worked on your commission. Please keep in mind that if I have already started the sketch, you will not get a full refund under any circumstances.

“Can I share your art online?”

Please do!

Any art I create for you is yours to share with whoever you like in whatever way you like! All I ask is that you do not try to make a profit off of my art (without requesting it as a commercial commission), and you do not claim anyone else to be the other artist than me.

I love seeing how people react to my art, so if you do share the art on platforms I am active on, tag me! I’d love to see the reactions!

“Can you create NSFW art?”

Yes, I can!

Do keep in mind that I reserve the right to decline your commission if the requested NSFW content is something I’m not comfortable with or have legal concerns about. I will also do so if I suspect you might not of legal age. (I’m not trying to get arrested.)

NSFW will be made at a higher price than my other work, though, as I cannot post it to as many of my platforms as I could with SFW art, so I lose out on some visibility.

Want to order a commission from me?

These are the options!

You can request a commission through Artistree. No sign-up required!

Want to discuss a commission with me directly by contacting me via my socials.