I am E1Alpha

Also known as Gill Baert or Jelly. Iā€™m a freelance artist from Flanders, Belgium with a love for games and anime, and find myself inspired by them in all that I do.

I have studied a large variety of creative avenues, but have always found myself most at home with a pencil in hand and a paper in front of me, be it physical or digital. I am a story writer, character designer, and game designer in body and soul, and love reflecting this in all that I create.

With a high school degree in ICT management, a bachelor's degree in Game Graphics Production, and an extra degree in Game Design, I find myself in a very versatile position where I enjoy working on illustrations, stories, comics, and games.

And this all expands into my hobbies as well. Aside from drawing, I spent most of my free time playing a large variety of games as well as running a multitude of tabletop RPGs. If there is a way for me to enjoy my artistic passions in any way or combination, you can be sure I have at least dabbled in it.

Since the summer of 2023, a mere few months before my 30th birthday, I decided to finally take the plunge into becoming a full-time freelance artist, illustrator, and designer and put all my energy into transforming my passion into my career so I can make a living doing what I have loved since the day I could hold a pencil.

Aside from all this, I am also a bit of a gourmand myself who enjoys spending lots of time in the kitchen, especially if I can cook for friends or family. And like I do in my art, in the kitchen, I love to experiment and find new ways to make both the process more fun and the result better.

And that is about all I can say about myself here. I hope you can enjoy the works I create here, as the fun and pleasure of all who enjoy my work is my primary motivation to keep doing what I do!